Sharing the goodness of God with the next generation
Your Blog
If you’re here, you’re probably a parent, carer, grandparent or children’s worker who just wants to do your best for the kids in your care.
That’s Amazing! God really, really loves children and so do we. So let us support you. Each month we feature a parent, an expert or an author who has something to help you disciple your children and lead them to Jesus.
Simple Family Bible Study Method
By Jess Wolstenholm, M Ed, VP of Education & Publishing for Minno
With crazy schedules full of school, homework, sports, and activities, gone are the days we can spend an hour together as a family daily. Though it’s important to find occasional time to linger over the Word and worship, this simple family Bible study method will fit more easily into your busy, everyday lives.
Being God’s Child (when you’re all grown up)
By Anna Hawken, Parenting for Faith
God makes us the most unbelievable offer... to be our parent. Yes, even when we’re all grown up and have children of our own! ‘To all who did receive him [Jesus], to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God’. John 1:12 This is an invitation from God, to you, to be His child. But many of us don’t take up this offer. Or we don't live fully experiencing the connection, guidance and support that He wants to give us. Why? Because we're so busy doing the day-to-day grown upping of looking after everyone else. We've forgotten how to 'live on the child side'.
Reading the Bible as a Family
by Kristen Stevenson, Bible Society
As a family, we go through many seasons. Seasons of joy, frustration, triumph and pain. During one of our more difficult seasons, we regularly reflected on Matthew 6.25–34. The image of a lily standing in a field was able to give us strength that on some days we did not know we had. I don’t remember how we came upon that verse at that time. As so often happens, it was just where our Bible led us that day. God our Father knew we needed that verse at that time and so with an open Bible and an open heart we were supplied with what we needed.
What are Spiritual Styles?
by Joanne Gilchrist
Over the years, I’ve come across several anecdotal versions of ‘spiritual styles’ but last year, while writing Next Steps to Following Jesus with Shell Perris, I stumbled across David M. Csinos’s academic research while listening to Ronni Lamont on UCB Radio. I was intrigued because Shell and I had decided to add different ‘pathways’ for children to respond to the Bible text, based on different personalities or learning styles.
Inspiring Child-Like Faith in Children - and in Me!
When my son was young, he liked me to act out the Bible. He wanted to “see it” for himself. When he was four he gave his heart to Jesus, completely off his own back, in a shop car park. He said “Mummy I’ve never asked Jesus into my heart let’s do it now”! A perfect example of childlike faith.
Top Tips for Prayer Walking with Kids
by Joanne Gilchrist
"I’ve never been much of a walker but I grew with a youth leader who loved hiking! One day, our youth leader decided we should start prayer-walking round the streets of our home-town on a Friday evening. Great, I thought. Two of my least favourite things - walking and praying aloud. But something amazing happened on those prayer walks and I found my voice. I discovered I could pray in a way I’d never imagined. I prayed with passion, with conviction - in spirit and in truth. What was it that made the difference?"
Is God Very Strong?
by Joanne Gilchrist, writer and founder of Ruach Resources
What version of this question have you or your child ever asked? Perhaps “Can God help me?”, “Will God protect me?” or even “Why didn’t God protect them….?” I’d love to shed some light on where God can be found in the storms of life and how you can help your child run to the strong tower of God and his word.
From One Grandad to Another: Showing the Heart of Father God to his Grandchildren
by Chris Spicer, dad, grandad, international speaker and author
Anyone who knows me knows my love of movies. Some of my personal favourites are those starring the late, great acting career of the Robin Williams. Films like Dead Poets Society (1989), Hook (1991), Patch Adams (1996) and August Rush (2007) to name but a few. Then there is our all-time family favourite, Mrs. Doubtfire (1993).
If God is Real, Why Can't I See God?
by Joanne Gilchrist, writer and founder of Ruach Resources
Why does the app God for Kids choose to begin the description of God with God is Invisible, God Feels, God Thinks, God Chooses, God is Good and God is Love? Are they the most important characteristics of God? Not necessarily. Are they the most fun or the most interesting? Possibly. Was I stuck for ideas? Definitely not!
3 ideas to Pray with your Child, Toddler and Baby - in Rhyme!
by Joanne Gilchrist, writer and founder of Ruach Resources
ABCs, a nature trail and Baby Massage Blessing: 3 ideas to pray together to communicate and connect with each other and with your heavenly Father.
Family Bible & Prayer Time - where do I start?
by Joanne Gilchrist, writer and founder of Ruach Resources
The 23rd March, 2020 was the first day of the UK “lock-down” and a day of new beginnings. For Joanne Gilchrist (creator of God for Kids app) and her family, it was a day of good intentions. “Finally,” methought, “we have the time to do the things we have always been too busy to do.” Like family devotion/prayer/worship/Bible time (or whatever you call it where you are from).