Sharing the goodness of God with the next generation
Your Blog
If you’re here, you’re probably a parent, carer, grandparent or children’s worker who just wants to do your best for the kids in your care.
That’s Amazing! God really, really loves children and so do we. So let us support you. Each month we feature a parent, an expert or an author who has something to help you disciple your children and lead them to Jesus.
Top Tips for Prayer Walking with Kids
by Joanne Gilchrist
"I’ve never been much of a walker but I grew with a youth leader who loved hiking! One day, our youth leader decided we should start prayer-walking round the streets of our home-town on a Friday evening. Great, I thought. Two of my least favourite things - walking and praying aloud. But something amazing happened on those prayer walks and I found my voice. I discovered I could pray in a way I’d never imagined. I prayed with passion, with conviction - in spirit and in truth. What was it that made the difference?"