Faith at Home Workshops

and Resources

for your church

What is a “Faith at Home” workshop?

Families in your church are crying out for help.

According to “Faith in our Families Research Report” by Care for the Family, conducted in 2018, 95% of parents felt it was their responsibility to teach their own children about the Christian faith and 92% believed they should be doing more, however, only 35% of parents feel very confident to do so.

The second biggest barrier to not sharing their faith (after not having enough time) was that they needed help knowing what to do.

Parents also shared that they are keen to receive help, especially help that is aimed at the whole family – adults and children alike.

Likewise, 70% of church leaders and 69% of children’s workers said they would appreciate ideas to help parents see the importance of nurturing faith at home.

The desire to disciple our children, nurture their faith, keep alive their natural, spiritual curiosity is there - but grown-ups desperately want some help.

Hallelujah! Faith at Home workshops are the answer!

It’s not enough to simply say “do more.”

That just heaps on the guilt and adds one more thing to the never-ending list of things a parent should be doing but can’t find the time.

Besides this there are many barriers to talking about faith in the home - both mental barriers and spiritual ones. The best way to overcome these barriers is to simply give it a go.

Give it a go in a space where it feels like home, but instead of searching and filtering the breath of resources available, you get to try each one, one at a time, following the lead of your child to see which kind of resources provides the kind of environment for your child to connect with God for themselves.

For more articles on “Faith at Home” by Joanne Gilchrist, see “Arise Magazine” issues 4, 5 and 6.

  • "Faith at Home workshops give the opportunity to take time out of the day-to-day and focus on God together as a family. At our workshop I loved watching church families engaging together. There were fantastic resources and a really peaceful atmosphere. I left feeling inspired and I would absolutely recommend this experience for other churches."

    Amy Hitchmough, Children’s & Families Minister, mother of 2

  • "As a church leader I think the Faith at Home workshop is something that every church should try and involve their families in. There are so many distractions and pressures on family life that faith can often come way down the list of our priorities for our children. This workshop helps families explore ways to help faith become part of our families daily routine."

    Pastor Chris Jeavons, Spa View Community Church

  • "It was really accessible for y son who has autism."

    Elizabeth V, mother of 2

  • "Loved making space to spend time seeking Jesus with family. I loved the different ideas that I can' t always think of myself."

    Shan Jeavons, mother of 2 teenagers

  • "I'm so inspired by the practical ideas to engage with Jesus through everyday objects and activities."

    Desi Lambina, mother

What Does a Faith at Home Workshop Look Like?

We Come to you.

In your church building we create a variety of ‘zones’ to reflect different areas of the home.

Then we fill them with resources.

These resources are a mixture of those we have created, resources we recommend from other creators and every day objects to which we have added a faith-aspect.

Through trial and error, we have created a format that gives just enough to inspire grown-ups without them feeling overwhelmed. It is also just enough to get children interested in learning and growing in faith without them feeling like it’s a chore.

We see grown-ups really struggle to connect with their children in the beginning but slowly warm up and begin to talk with their children about faith. We have seen the joy on parents faces as they see their children have God-connected moments.

“Our hope is that once parents and carers have overcome the inertia and actually started doing ‘faith at home’, it’s so much easier to continue at home.”

Joanne Gilchrist, Director of Ruach Resources

How much will a “Faith at Home” workshop cost my church?

We offer a tiered package to suit the needs of your church. We are also open to negotiate depending on the needs of your church and the number of volunteers you are willing to provide to help.

Package 1 - Up to 90 children

from £199 (for the workshop) + £50 (for the Sunday Speaker) + mileage from Sheffield


  • Sunday Speaker. Our workshops run best when parents and carers get a vision for why ‘Faith at home’ is important and believe that it is within their own abilities. Therefore, a Sunday sermon is important. Email us for a YouTube link to an example of the sermon we will deliver.

  • If your church has recently completed a ‘Parenting for Faith’ course, this Sunday Sermon aspect may not be necessary (so saving you £50).

  • Workshop Facilitator + 1-2 helpers (workshops can take place any day of the week. We have done Saturday and Sunday workshops as well as midweek , during the school holidays). Price is negotiable if you can offer extra volunteers.

  • All set up and pack down

  • All equipment and resources required

  • Snacks and soft drinks for up to 30 children (add £1 for each additional child)

  • Posters and Social Media images for you to publicise the event

  • A book stall after the event

  • A party bag for up to 30 children to take home (add £0.60 for each additional child)

Package 2 - Remote package for UK wide churches

£99 for a DIY Manual and Starter Kit

We are currently putting together a manual so that you can learn from all our experience (and mistakes!) and run your own workshop anywhere in the world. The starter pack will include:

  • One DIY manual

  • A package of God for Kids resources for each zone (Books, printables, prayer cards, table signs, instructions for games)

  • A list of extra resources you will need and where to source them

  • 1 hour training zoom call with one of our team.

  • YouTube Link to Sunday Sermon on “Faith at Home” for churches.

Package 3 - for between 10-30 families

£69 + mileage from South Sheffield


  • A Youtube link to the Sunday Sermon to use on a Sunday or share with your families in advance.

  • One workshop facilitator

  • All required resources and equipment

  • Posters and Social Media images for you to publicise the event

  • A book stall after the event

You will be required to provide:

  • A minimum of 3 helpers on the day, plus helpers to set-up and pack down (which may be on a different day to the event)

  • Drinks and healthy snacks for children

  • A selection of party bag favours (to be advised).

Let’s work together

We would love to come to your church and run a workshop with you. So please get in touch for an exploratory phone call or visit.