Book a local author to visit your school
Chesterfield - Dronfield - Sheffield - Rotherham - Doncaster - Hope Valley
It is a privilege and a joy to share our stories with children in schools.
We adhere to the recommended guidelines by the faith leaders of Sheffield and NATRE. Your visiting local author, Joanne Gilchrist, has completed the appropriate safeguarding training and holds an up to date enhanced DBS which she will bring on her first visit or email beforehand.
Our Guidelines for Working with Schools
The best age for our resources is Reception - Y3 for lessons and in our experience, all-age collective worship works well too.

What to expect from your local author visit
Collective Worship
One visit from our author, Joanne Gilchrist, is free for schools in Chesterfield, Dronfield, Sheffield, Rotherham and places in-between, provided we have the opportunity to run a bookshop for parents after school or give each child an order form to take home.
We have lots of experience leading collective worship in both faith and state schools.
This is the usual format:
First, I (Joanne) introduce myself and encourage children to in their own writing, drawing and maths (for coding) skills. I talk about how people use their skills to communicate things that are important to them and how I use these skills to share how my Christian faith is important to me.
I read one of my books - I make it quite interactive, stopping at the end of verses to see if they can guess the rhyming word, which they usually do. I might throw in a few actions and sound effects for them to join in with. At the end of each book there is a prayer, which, if part of collective worship, I use for a moment of quiet reflection.
I bring a USB stick with images to show the book pages on a big screen so everyone can see.
Then I finish by taking questions, if there's still time. Usually there are lots of questions!
I give out 2-3 small gifts to ‘good listeners’ as an incentive to pay attention. A gift is either a badge or colouring book.
With permission I give each child a colouring book from our sponsor, SunScool (which is full of pictures of Bible stories for them to colour) and a flyer for God for Kids app.
In order to cover costs, I ask to either run an after school bookshop (indoors or outdoors, both work well) or if this really wouldn’t work in your schools, I ask to give order forms out to each child.
Writing Workshop
Writing on Purpose
This is a 60 or 90 minute workshop focussing on writing skills including
unlocking imagination, playing with words, storyboarding and/or rhyming (pick one for 60 minutes or both for the 90 minute workshop)
A suggested donation of £60 will include a set of 4 books for your school
R.E. Workshop
Writing Our Prayers / Asking Big Questions
Your local author will reply to your email to book a date that works for you
This workshop has a focus on writing as a way to express our thoughts about God, Jesus, Faith, the Bible, Prayer etc.
We can tailor our workshop to fit your RE curriculum
60 minutes
A suggested donation of £60 will include a set of 4 books for your school
Chaplaincy Package
If you are a school chaplain, we invite you to use our resources for your school visits. For just £45 we will give you
30 minute zoom call
One set of 4 books
Powerpoint or PDF of images to use on a big screen
2 x colouring books or Ru Badges to give away
10% discount on any other items in our shop