Sharing the goodness of God with the next generation
Your Blog
If you’re here, you’re probably a parent, carer, grandparent or children’s worker who just wants to do your best for the kids in your care.
That’s Amazing! God really, really loves children and so do we. So let us support you. Each month we feature a parent, an expert or an author who has something to help you disciple your children and lead them to Jesus.
Simple Family Bible Study Method
By Jess Wolstenholm, M Ed, VP of Education & Publishing for Minno
With crazy schedules full of school, homework, sports, and activities, gone are the days we can spend an hour together as a family daily. Though it’s important to find occasional time to linger over the Word and worship, this simple family Bible study method will fit more easily into your busy, everyday lives.
Can my non-parent friends be a part of my children’s faith journey?
by Kirsty Dronfield
It’s no secret, I would love to be a mum! I don’t know if it’s in God’s plan for me – that’s another story for another day – but I am an auntie. This gives me the privilege of being able to talk to my niece and nephews about God. But to be honest, most of the time I feel like I waste that privilege…. do you ever wonder: ‘Are my non-parent friends even interested in my kids’ spiritual lives? If so, how can I encourage that in an appropriate way?’
What are Spiritual Styles?
by Joanne Gilchrist
Over the years, I’ve come across several anecdotal versions of ‘spiritual styles’ but last year, while writing Next Steps to Following Jesus with Shell Perris, I stumbled across David M. Csinos’s academic research while listening to Ronni Lamont on UCB Radio. I was intrigued because Shell and I had decided to add different ‘pathways’ for children to respond to the Bible text, based on different personalities or learning styles.