Sharing the goodness of God with the next generation
Your Blog
If you’re here, you’re probably a parent, carer, grandparent or children’s worker who just wants to do your best for the kids in your care.
That’s Amazing! God really, really loves children and so do we. So let us support you. Each month we feature a parent, an expert or an author who has something to help you disciple your children and lead them to Jesus.
Talking To Our Kids About Temptation
by Angela Jelf, writer, poet and mum of four
Looks like we made it through January. Phew!
Were you one of those people that started the New Year by embarking on a new diet or exercise programme? If so, are you still going strong? Or like me, did your good intentions begin to slip several days ago?
Why Did God Make Me?
by Joanne Gilchrist, author of God for Kids app and books
I think the line from the Westminster Shorter Catechism “Man's chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever” is inspired. It is an excellent answer to the overarching purpose of the human race. But that’s not enough. In those moments of personal crisis when we question our purpose, direction and even existence, we need a deeply personal answer from our deeply personal God.
by Margi McAllister
God is no good at limits. Giving is what He does.
A while ago I was commissioned by Lion Publishing to produce a book about Women of the Bible. I started with Mrs Noah (yes, I know what you’re thinking, but there must have been a Mrs Noah) and worked my way up to Lydia. I really took to Lydia.
What one thing should kids know about the Holy Spirit?
by Joanne Gilchrist
God was and is and will be forever. He is the Alpha, the Omega, the Ancient of Days, our very present help in times of trouble. Even if someone does not believe in God, God still exists. Even when we are unaware of God’s presence and work upon the earth, His Spirit has been hovering and present since before the dawn of creation and His Spirit is there in Revelation, compelling us to “Come” to the Father. The Holy Spirit is the presence of God long before any of us were ever born, let alone aware of Him.
“It’s not fair” - Is God generous?
by Bryony Wells, blogger, podcaster, mother, friend
“It’s not fair” - has anyone else heard that phrase this week? Whether it’s food portion sizes, time spent on computer games or whether or not they need to have a shower, it seems fairness is a big deal in our house!
I find it all too easy to jump into chastising my children for not being ‘grateful enough’ or not ‘understanding how blessed they are’. However I’ve come to realise that I am more like my children than I care to admit when it comes to fairness. I’m learning that my posture towards God is often one of expecting fairness and of crying ‘it’s not fair” when things don’t fit my version of fairness and justice. When I watch God’s blessing fall on others while at the same time my prayers stand unanswered it’s all too easy for my heart to cry “it’s not fair”.
Where Does God Live?
by Fiona Walton, primary school teacher, author, Mum and Grandma
As adults perhaps a question we are inclined to ask is, “Where is God to be found when I need him?” or as children might put it, “Where does God live?”
What does the Bible say?
Light in the Darkness
by Susan Box, illustrator and Designer “Conversation Starters”
Ask most people what advent means to them and you’ll hear mention of chocolate shapes behind cardboard doors, ordering turkeys or rushing to get the last “must-have” toy.
But, as followers of Jesus, advent is a time of watching and waiting. It’s a season all of its own, and we’re missing out if we treat it as simply a stepping stone to Christmas Day.
Talking to Your Child About The Supernatural Gifts of God
by Ashley Davidson, Mum, Pastor and Author
I believe our children’s generation is one that is destined to walk in the supernatural gifts of God. I have heard so many prophetic words about their generation seeing revival, seeing God’s glory and a move of the Holy Spirit so great that it changes our world. Because of this, my heart is to raise my kids in an atmosphere where they daily experience God’s tangible presence, receive His blessing and have shared experiences and encounters with each other and Holy Spirit.
God has Feelings, Just Like Us
by Celeste Majcher, Author.
Do you know how hard it is to be a Christian and suffer from depression?
The entire world tells you that your faith should be enough, that God should heal you and that feeling depressed is ungodly.
In fact, any kind of negative feelings are often characterised as unchristian. Anger? Anxiety? Fear? Jealousy? Sadness? All wrong according to the worldly expectations of our faith.
God Chooses
by Carol Barwick, trustee for Ruach Resources
What did you have for breakfast this morning?
What made you choose it?
Did you have to have it?
Did you know that God has a choice?
Think about it, in the beginning there was nothing. No things. And God chose for that to change! God wanted things to exist, to be. He wanted animals and trees and houses and people
From One Grandad to Another: Showing the Heart of Father God to his Grandchildren
by Chris Spicer, dad, grandad, international speaker and author
Anyone who knows me knows my love of movies. Some of my personal favourites are those starring the late, great acting career of the Robin Williams. Films like Dead Poets Society (1989), Hook (1991), Patch Adams (1996) and August Rush (2007) to name but a few. Then there is our all-time family favourite, Mrs. Doubtfire (1993).
What does God look like?
by Joanne Gilchrist, writer and founder of Ruach Resources
The other night, I’m helping my 5 year old to brush her teeth and she asks ‘Does God have teeth, Mum?’
“What do you think, sweetheart?” I reply, intrigued.
“I think He does.” She says, matter-of-factly. Then she spits, rinses and goes off to her bedroom.
But since no one has actually ever seen God (it says so in the Bible, John 1:18) how would you answer that question?