Where Does God Live?
by Fiona Walton, Theologian, School Teacher, Author & Grandma
Young children ask great questions, don’t they? Here are a selection of questions that my own kids asked me: “What do French cows say?” “Why has grandpa got stripes on his forehead?” “Who taught you to be a grown up?” “Can we make a list of people we know who have nostrils?” “What do mute swans say?” and “What’s dat?” or “Who dat?”
As adults perhaps a question we are inclined to ask is, “Where is God to be found when I need him?” or as children might put it, “Where does God live?”
What does the Bible say?
The Bible shows us that He is an incarnational God known as Immanuel, ‘God with us.’ He came to live among us, becoming flesh and blood and moving into our neighbourhoods. And that is where he can be found today.
We learn He was born, just as we were. He was delivered in the straw and laid in a food trough or manger. At the time animals were kept on the lower level of homes, so it is probable that Jesus was born in a busy family home. He can be born again in our homes and families.
We see Him sitting in a place of worship, surrounded by teachers, their questions and learning. He is happy to sit in the midst of our wonderings.
The Bible shows God to be present at times of need - of illness, frustration, and mental illness.
He is within the hungry, the thirsty and the stranger. We can serve him there now.
He can be found in the storm and in peace. He inhabits both now.
He is there when the disciples doubt, boast, get it wrong or deny Him. He remains comfortable in those uncomfortable places.
He sits at the table with the alienated, lost, with the outcast and the sinner. He sits there still.
We find him in prayer, in story and parable. He can look for him there now.
He is in the places where there is anger, injustice and violation.
He weeps over a city. He kneels and weeps there now.
He is in his Gethsemane, the place of tears and fear. He pleads for us in our Gethsemanes too.
He is there in the pain of the cross, in the tomb and walks beside the grieving, listening to them and comforting them.
He is there in the miracle, in the joy of resurrection, at the picnic on the beach, in forgiveness. He can be seen there too.
His presence and help come to those waiting in upper rooms.
He lingers when his disciples burst onto the streets of life with good news. Now, as he did then.
He doesn’t desert us in times of persecution, suffering, pain, or captivity. He stands with us.
As he was there at the beginning, so he is there at the end of life on earth, in ascension and transformation. He can be found in heaven where he prepares a room for us.
Omnipresence comes with omnipotence. God lives within and beside us. In the midst, mess and miracle of life. Always and forever, until the end of time.
Fiona has co-authored this book with Joanne Gilchrist: “Where Does God Live?”
Your child will learn to talk to God in prayer, any time, anywhere. They will learn that God is not only in heaven but also with those who put their trust in Jesus, which they can do too.
£6.99 of £12 for 2 from our shop. You can order yours today.
Fiona Walton
Fiona Walton is a mother of three grown up children and a grandmother. She studied Biblical Studies and Theology at university and is passionate about children exploring and enjoying the Bible. She has been a school teacher for over 40 years and also works for Christians and Sheffield Schools and for Open the Book, which is part of Bible Society. She enjoys walking long distance trails with her labrador, photography and eating chocolate!