Sharing the goodness of God with the next generation
Your Blog
If you’re here, you’re probably a parent, carer, grandparent or children’s worker who just wants to do your best for the kids in your care.
That’s Amazing! God really, really loves children and so do we. So let us support you. Each month we feature a parent, an expert or an author who has something to help you disciple your children and lead them to Jesus.
Dinner, a Sinner, and a Saviour
by Angela Jelf, writer, poet, mum of 2
There are two stories in the New Testament which I think capture the dynamic power of forgiveness so clearly. Interestingly, both of these stories share the same three elements: Dinner, a sinner, and a Saviour.
Story number one takes place when a Pharisee named Simon invites Jesus round for a meal. … As they are reclining at the table, things take an interesting turn.
What one thing should kids know about the Holy Spirit?
by Joanne Gilchrist
God was and is and will be forever. He is the Alpha, the Omega, the Ancient of Days, our very present help in times of trouble. Even if someone does not believe in God, God still exists. Even when we are unaware of God’s presence and work upon the earth, His Spirit has been hovering and present since before the dawn of creation and His Spirit is there in Revelation, compelling us to “Come” to the Father. The Holy Spirit is the presence of God long before any of us were ever born, let alone aware of Him.
Wear your faith to share your faith
Everywhere we go, we’re surrounded by symbols. Even the youngest children can recognise the logos of their favourite brands and television shows, and many will recognise the symbols and icons that help us to navigate the digital world. The Christian faith is also full of symbols. For centuries, we have used symbols such as the cross, the dove and the ichthus to share our values and beliefs.
How to break the parenting cycle
By Janine Parkinson, Scripture Union
I grew up in a volatile home, love was scarce and smacking and shouting was plentiful! I can’t pin all the blame on my parents as my father came from an abusive home; the eldest of six children who then buried his head into the royal marines which left him even harder and unable to show love. My mother was a war baby adopted from birth in 1945 and has suffered with her mental health ever since. So really, circumstances hadn’t been kind to them; both introverts trying to bring me up - an extraverted, touchy feely, desperate for love girl. I probably wasn’t the easiest child to relate to.
Is God Very Strong?
by Joanne Gilchrist, writer and founder of Ruach Resources
What version of this question have you or your child ever asked? Perhaps “Can God help me?”, “Will God protect me?” or even “Why didn’t God protect them….?” I’d love to shed some light on where God can be found in the storms of life and how you can help your child run to the strong tower of God and his word.