Inspiring Child-Like Faith in Children - and in Me!
by Naomi Young, Maydor Makes
When my son was young, he liked me to act out the Bible. He wanted to “see it” for himself. When he was four he gave his heart to Jesus, completely off his own back, in a shop car park. He said “Mummy I’ve never asked Jesus into my heart let’s do it now”! A perfect example of childlike faith.
Childlike Faith
Today, more than ever, I believe we need to facilitate our children’s childlike faith. Children have the ability to take God at his word and see things through different eyes than adults. Their faith is uncomplicated and they don’t let cynicism and conjecture get in the way of their understanding. As adults we sometimes spend too much time trying to work it out in our own strength rather than simply trusting in God who has the answers. I can truly see why God holds children so dear to his heart and why he says it’s better for a millstone to be round your neck and cast into the sea than to cause a little one to stumble.
God’s Gift, Our Responsibility
This gift God trusts us with should not be taken lightly. Now, more than ever, our children are going to need a strong foundation of faith for their future. It feels like everyone is trying to pull our children in many different ways, telling them who they “should be” or “could be” and most don’t line up with the truth of God’s word. Therefore, it’s our mandate to tell them who Jesus says they are and that truth can set them free! We need to be the ones with the louder voices contending for our children and their future and the call of God that’s on every individual life.
Let’s face it, if we don’t show our children Jesus, then who will?
Being a Christian Mum in Prayer and Creativity
Let’s face it, if we don’t show our children Jesus, then who will? Although this world is far from easy, our children have been born for such a time as this and Jesus has planned and equipped them to be victorious for him. When I pray over my son, I speak over him that he will be a barrier beaker (this was prophesied over him when he was dedicated as a baby), a nation changer and that he won’t turn to the left or right but pursue God with tenacity and determination. This is my prayer for my son but also for the next generation - that they will shine so bright that even the darkness cannot overshadow it. Last year, at a prophetic masterclass, I was challenged to stop seeing children at their physical age and see them spiritually as they can be more advanced in the spirit than their actual age.
The Word of God is Alive
Having worked a lot with children, I know they’re often kinaesthetic learners so it’s vital to bring the word of God to life for them in creative ways where they can almost “live it out”. I truly believe children can encounter God and know the power of God , see miracles and experience the Holy Spirit without reservation. I don’t want children to see the Bible as just words on a page, I want them to see it as the living and powerful weapon it is.
I don’t want children to see the Bible as just words on a page, I want them to see it as the living and powerful weapon it is.
Demonstrating the Power of God
Children are hungry for the things of God. Their spirits are open ready to receive him and we get to be a part of that in some way. If we demonstrate to them when they are young the love and power of God it will captivate them so they won’t want to walk away from it when they are older. We cannot afford to wait until we deem them old enough to understand, as at the end of the day we have to realise we are not trying to show them Jesus in an intellectual way we are showing them Jesus who we take with us every day and showing them the reality of that power. Children have a spirit too and when we find Jesus our spirit connects with him, we realise we belong and how life has meaning and makes sense in a way it never did before. Before the world tries to teach children all their agendas, we need to show them their true identity in Christ.
Bringing the Bible to Life
When my son was young, he liked me to act out the Bible. He wanted to “see it” for himself. When he was four he gave his heart to Jesus, completely off his own back, in a shop car park. He said “Mummy I’ve never asked Jesus into my heart let’s do it now”! A perfect example of childlike faith.
This is what led me to start making a range of handmade Bible story resources for children. In lockdown my husband lost his job and as I had worked with children and always loved to craft, I decided to start a small venture from home making items for children. This progressed into adding a range of Bible story resources. I love small-world play so we began making peg dolls and story spoons. I believe it was a God idea and my passion for it has grown daily.
We want children to love coming to church and find it an exciting place where they can play out the scriptures. Children generally find sitting still a challenge so if we can allow them to “play” while experiencing Gods word, all the better. My husband and I have a huge vision for this and although it is small at the moment, we believe it’s from God’s heart and are believing for people to get behind the vision for this business.
A passion for Jesus
I pray that our resources will start a passion for Jesus, while living out the Bible stories and bringing them to life. I pray that those of us who influence children will pick up this baton with valour and determination and realise there is a fight for our children and we need to be their biggest encouragers. Let’s make church a fun, creative space for our children; one that births a hunger to know more.
I pray our products do just that and help build childlike faith!
Maydor Makes by Naomi Young
Our business is called Maydor Makes. We make lots for children including a range of bible story resources. They are handmade to safety standards and finished in toy safe varnish and come in themed handmade bags. We make bible games, bible character story sets and story spoons to bring the bible to life.
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