Grown-Ups’ Corner

Kids ask great questions about God, the universe and everything.

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God's Character, Parenting tips Joanne Gilchrist God's Character, Parenting tips Joanne Gilchrist

“It’s not fair” - Is God generous?

by Bryony Wells, blogger, podcaster, mother, friend

“It’s not fair” - has anyone else heard that phrase this week? Whether it’s food portion sizes, time spent on computer games or whether or not they need to have a shower, it seems fairness is a big deal in our house!

I find it all too easy to jump into chastising my children for not being ‘grateful enough’ or not ‘understanding how blessed they are’. However I’ve come to realise that I am more like my children than I care to admit when it comes to fairness. I’m learning that my posture towards God is often one of expecting fairness and of crying ‘it’s not fair” when things don’t fit my version of fairness and justice. When I watch God’s blessing fall on others while at the same time my prayers stand unanswered it’s all too easy for my heart to cry “it’s not fair”.

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Communicating God's Character, Family Worship Joanne Gilchrist Communicating God's Character, Family Worship Joanne Gilchrist

Is God Very Strong?

by Joanne Gilchrist, writer and founder of Ruach Resources

What version of this question have you or your child ever asked? Perhaps “Can God help me?”, “Will God protect me?” or even “Why didn’t God protect them….?” I’d love to shed some light on where God can be found in the storms of life and how you can help your child run to the strong tower of God and his word.

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