Who is the Holy Spirit and what is the Holy Spirit like?
In the Holy Spirit Adventure of God for Kids app, you’ll discover that:
Holy Spirit is a Real Person. Following the theme of God is real and Jesus is real, we really explore that God is three in one and the Holy Spirit is not a force or a feeling but a person. (Key Verses: 1 Corinthians 2:10, Isaiah 63:10, 1 Corinthians 12:4-11)
Holy Spirit Loves. We know God is love but how can we feel that Love? When you read about the Holy Spirit in the Bible it becomes very clear that whenever the Holy Spirit is around feelings and thoughts of Love, Joy, Peace and Hope are sure to follow. (Key Verses: Romans 5:5 & 15:13)
Holy Spirit Lives In You. Kids often want to know where God lives. Let’s solve this mystery…. (Key Verses: John 14:16-17)
Holy Spirit Helps. Jesus called the Holy Spirit a helper so this explores all the ways He helps. In fact, without the Holy Spirit’s help, we really can’t know who God is or what God is like at all. (Key Verse: John 14:26)
Holy Spirit Changes Us. Following Jesus isn’t about saying one quick prayer but a lifetime of getting to know Him and becoming more like Him. The Holy Spirit is the one who makes that happen. (Key Verses: Galatians 5:22-23)
Holy Spirit Speaks. While the Holy Spirit has many things to say, here we focus on the most important thing that the Holy Spirit reassures us of deep, deep down in our hearts: that those who believe in Jesus are children of God. (Key Verse: Romans 8:16)
Holy Spirit Invites. For the final stop on the last adventure we turn to Revelation where the Holy Spirit Invites people to COME! But the Holy Spirit doesn’t do it alone. With the Holy Spirit’s help, who can you invite to know God better? (Key Verses: Acts 1:8, Revelation 22:17)
Other Adventures:
An introduction to who God is and what God is like for beginners and children. How can God be both real and invisible at the same time?
Father God is big, strong, kind and always keeps His promises. You will also be introduced to the idea of the trinity, ready for the next adventures.
Who is Jesus and what is Jesus like? Was He real? Why did he die? What does Jesus think about me?